HomeCricketWill Women’s Cricket Continue to Rise After COVID-19 Break?

Will Women’s Cricket Continue to Rise After COVID-19 Break?

The recently concluded Women’s T20 World Cup garnered a lot of attention from the world, lighting up a small ray of hope that Women’s Cricket can find its way in terms of equality with Men’s cricket. The final game of the T20 World Cup between Australia Women and India Women, on the evening of International Women’s Day, was evidently celebrated with about 86000 spectators. It was the first time ever in the history of Women’s cricket that a game attracted such a huge crowd. 

However, with the sports world coming crashing down following the outbreak of COVID-19 across the world, the popularity of Women’s cricket once again gets surrounded by doubts. Not just games are postponed or cancelled, and restrictions have been put up on practicing outdoors. Here’s how the women’s cricket will be affected after the COVID-19 break. 

Using Time for Practice

With no cricket events or practice sessions being organized, the skills of the player are at the highest risk. Prolonged gaps in practice & playing can definitely take a toll on the performance of the players. Thus, we believe that the players should utilize the COVID-19 break as an opportunity to practice at homes. The batters can try using a hanging ball to continue with their practice sessions while the bowlers can make use of a medicine ball to keep things going. Also, regular exercising sessions at home can help the players stay fit, and therefore, making a strong comeback after the break. 

T20 World Cup Effect

The T20 World Cup has been changing point in terms of popularity of the Women’s cricket. For the first time ever in many years, people were very excited to watch a women’s world cup match as much as they look forward to witnessing a men’s game. The tournament has attracted a lot of eyeballs and is expected to be one of the prominent reasons for the forthcoming success of the Women’s games among people. It seems that there is no looking back for the sport & it will continue to rise even after the COVID-19 break. 

Normalizing Situations   

Currently, the situations are quite off the track following the rapid spread of novel coronavirus across the globe, and sports events being put on hold for a while. However, with the various precautionary measure being taken by the sports authorities, players, government & the general public, it seems things will soon get back to normal. Thus, it can be expected that the women’s cricket will make a thumping comeback & will soon be enjoying Women’s cricket as much as they enjoy men’s cricket.  


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