HomeCricketHow long will it be before we watch first sports game?

How long will it be before we watch first sports game?

The rapid spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) has brought the sports world to stand still, with the cricket fraternity left wondering how soon will situations improve and things will get kicking again. With a lot of major events lined-up for the year, the Coronavirus break seems to turn unbearable for all the sports fans, and while all the major platforms are talking just about the cancellation and postponements of all sporting events, we are here to tell you how long will it be before we can watch the first sports game amid the COVID-19 restrictions.

People, government, medical authorities, everyone has been compassionately working on improving the conditions, and thus, it seems that sports games can soon make a comeback. Here’s what is the current situation like in the sports world & how soon can the comeback be made:

Government Impositions 

The government of each country & state has been actively working for the safety & fitness of the public with various precautionary measures being taken, and various restrictions are being imposed. Various government authorities have closed international as well as national borders in order to prevent further spread of the virus among people. Lockdowns are being imposed, and social distancing is being praised as a prevention measure. 

Self-Awareness Among Players

The players are focusing on self-isolation as a means of staying safe from the Coronavirus pandemic. Cricket players, footballers and other sports players who were on various tours as a part of their schedule have quarantined themselves alongside testing for COVID-19. 

Sports Authorities Concerning Public Health

Sports authorities are taking care of both the players and the general public. For tournaments that are still being organized in places that are yet unaffected by COVID-19, the authorities have opted for behind closed door organization as a preventive measure. This is being done to make sure that nothing leads to the outspread of COVID-19 in the country, state or city.  

Future Trends

With the various prevention trends and increasing self-awareness among the general public, authorities and players, we believe that it will be very soon that the sports industry will flourish with breath-taking face-offs once again. Moreover, this gap will definitely help in increasing the popularity of sports games to manifolds in the coming times.  


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